Monday, August 15, 2005

Here We Are

Again. :) It has been quite a while since I have put fingers to keyboard on this blog, but when inspiration hits. Well, where do I begin. I have been, and still am busier than normal, but I have been, and still am having a lot of fun. However, instead of listing the numerous projects I have going right now (although that is what I was just about to do), I want to talk to you my fellow cyber-spaces about some things happening under the surface. I want to talk about the subtle changes, so subtle in fact that though I have been hoping for them, I had not realized they were bubling just under the surface until I sat down to "blog a little." A renewal, revival, if you will is coming and will soon be here.

Anyone know how it is to loose your hunger? I had not lost my hunger in every area, but only in the most important area. For probably longer than I care to reflect on, I have not been truly hungry for going deeper with my Lord. Not to say that I have been particularly backslidden or irreverant, but I have not been compelled to do more than what's "normal" in our relationship. It's like I got to a certain level and said this will do, Lord. But "this will do" will never do with God. That is just not how it works with Him. He wants us to go from glory to glory.

So here I am ready to move again, to go deeper, to learn more, to embrace eagar obedience. And I was thinking that nothing was happening, until just a few moments ago. I guess sometimes you have to write to know what is going on inside of you. (Man I am dramatic. lol) Seriously though, my expectation levels are beginning to rise, and I could not be happier about it. This is not the blog I usually use when these types of self-revelations hit, but here it is nontheless. Oh the Joy to be called His Child!

I have been meditating on love for the past week or so, and I know God is about to show me something about it that I have not seen before. Maybe I will post that revelation here too, but maybe that one will be for the other Xanga blog.

Well that is all for now.

Thanks for stopping by.

Yeah, I know...

Monday, July 18, 2005

The Fire

I stayed up until 11:00 AM on Friday (from Thursday) making sure the fourth issue of Parables was published. Actually after that I only slept off and on, because there were a few upload problems. At any rate, I had already planned to sleep nice and long on Saturday. I went to bed around two or three Saturday morning, and my mother woke me up to help her with her hair and feed the sibs. After that, I put in Million Dollar Baby (rented the night before) and layed back down. I slept off and on and watched the movie. When the knocking started I was in deep sleep. At first I did not realize the knocking wasn't a part of my dream, but thanks be to God, it got louder and woke me up. So I am thinking, who in the world is banging on the door like that. I go to the door and say, "Who is it?" and someone says "Ma'am yall got to get out of the appartment, the appartment upstairs is on fire!"
So I go into speed mode, run to my brother's room throw him some pants (we were all sleeping). Then I run to my sister's room and throw her some pants. Then, since I am in my jammies, I look around for the the first decent thing to wear, and end up yanking a sundress over my head. At this point, my sister is still slowly putting on her pants. She did not understand the urgency of fire. So I hurry her along explaining that we need to get out of the house now. I did not see her shoes immeditately and had no idea how bad the fire was, so I just led her out in her socks. My sandalls were right beside my bed, so I did grab those.

When I did get back to the living room, smoke was starting to come through the vents. It smelled awful. So Bran had neither shirt nor service for him. :) Anyway, we are all outside, and as soon as we get out there, the fire department arrives.

The smoke getting stronger, they have us back up and move away from the building. The fire was contained to the bedroom where it started. A lady and her daughter woke up with their bed aflame; I can not imagine the horror of that moment. When I first got outside, the little girl was crying, and she told me her hair was on fire. (It was not anymore. She was talking about when she awoke.) Her face was burned a little as well, so they took her to the hospital. The mother stayed there to talk to the police. Turns out another of her children, he looked like he was three or four years old, was playing with a cigarrette lighter.

I am now in a hotel room at the Courtyard Marriot. They turned off the electricity, and so we had to leave until the electrictian makes sure everything is okay. I am hoping that will be today. I want my computer back. I am on my mothers laptop right now. I took my computer out of the house for safe keeping.

At the house, the living room and kitchen smells awful, but the back rooms smell nice. For some reason the smoke never reached them. That is a good thing. :)

I feel bad for the family. I am praying for them. I bet they lost a lot, but even in this I can see God's hand, his mercy. If the baby had not started the fire in the same room where the mom and daughter were sleeping, it would have taken longer for them to figure discern it.

So I am thankful that things were not worse. :) And being in hotels is kind of fun in a way. :)

In other news, the Ted Dekker interview was cool. :) And despite the usual publishing drama the fourth issue was a hit. :) I still have some reminders, courtesy copies, and book reviews to get out, but I am going to wait until I am on my own computer to do all of that. I pray it happens today. :)

That's all for now.

Yeah, I know....

God is awesome!


PS. It is really hard to type on this laptop, so I appologizee for any mistakes.

Friday, July 01, 2005

My Trip to Houston

It has been a few weeks since I went to Houston, but I am just now getting around to writing about it. It was so much fun.

First of all, I was invited by leader of our women's ministry at church. She has her own ministry called Zoe Ministries. I will probably be doing a website for it soon, and after I do, I will post a link here.

Anyway, the workshop was called Successfou which means Mad or Extraordinary success. It was all about goal planning, and being successfull. It was really awesome.

I went to a Mac Counter at the Galeria Mall in Houston, and the lady there (Dianne) was really sweet. The make up was great too. I will definatly get some when I can. I also went to a Mall in Katty Mills, TX, called the Katy Mills mall. It was so coool! They have a book store there where I bought two hardback novels for ten dollars. WoooHOOOO! Also I bought a cute little wig (short and spiky) and I also bought some new earings.

That along with the fellowship and the ministry (This was a ministry workshop) and I think it was one of the best trips I have ever taken. (The trip to TN for the Push Press and Pursue Conference is also high on my list.)

Next post will be about the first novel, then I have got to tell about the wedding! Roz

Long Time... Yeah I know

Okay, so I have not blogged in a while. I told you I was sporadic. :) Can't ruin my reputation, now can I? lol

Since it has been a while, there has been a lot going on with me. I am happy to report that I am once again making progress on Patches. I listened to what I have written so far on Adobe, and I must admit, the story is coming along quite nicely. There were of course a few typos that made me cringe, but I will go back and fix those after I am done.

In other news, I am more than a little excited about the next issue of Parables. One of the best Christian fiction authors....ever, will be on the cover and in the mag, interviewed my none other than yep you guessed it: Me! (Wow, don't I seem excited, you'd think I was a fan or something. lol) Anyway, the stories that we have so far are awesome too. We are in need of some more contemporary stories, if there are any Christian fiction writers out there.

Also I am excited about a new project I am starting with my journalism staff at church. We are going to write a story together (one installment each issue until the end of the year.) So far, everyone seems to be all for it. I think it will be loads of fun.

In other news I met this really awesome....yeah, right. I am just playing. lol

I want to talk about Houston now, but I think I will do it in a separate posting. There is a lot to say about it.

I also have some cool news about my first novel. So I think I will stop this and start a new post now.

...Yeah I know

Monday, May 30, 2005

Sniffles, Sniffles, and more Sniffles

Wow, I hate sinus problems. I have been sniffling since I went to bed last night. I feel icky. But in other news, I had a fairly productive morning and plan on an even more productive afternoon. I wanted to write more today, but I don't really feel like it, and my second novel (Patches) is probably feeling really rejected, so I best give it some long overdue attention. So that is all I have to say right now. I am sniffling, and it is really annoying me.

More later...


Sunday, May 29, 2005

Not Without My Driving Tape...

Okay, so I have not been exactly the little exercising lady that I should be. I had really planned to walk with my mother tonight, but well here's the deal. I had this walk all planned out in my mind. I was going to pop in my favorite driving tape (Not really my favorite, but my favorite of all the driving tapes I have right now. Which is one. So it's really just my favorite by default.) and I was going to move to the music, and exercise for the full 90 minutes of play time. It was going to be great, but when I get here (to our walking place) I turned on my tape player and heard only static. Yes, brilliant girl that I am with my 132 IQ (Forgive me but I rarely get a chance to work my IQ into a sentence, and for a girl that is often accused of being secretely blonde, well you get my point...) and I forgot include one of the most important ingredients for listening to my tape, which is of course the tape.
So all the excitement I had in thinking of my good brisk (I like brisk) walk was eaten by the static.

Long story short, instead of walking with my mom, I am on her computer conversing with cyber space. I will try for pilates tomorrow. Hey I have lost seven lbs so far, so I am not doing extremely awful.

Okay, I just looked up at the tv. I turned it to "Whose Line" because they are funny to me, and I like to do improv myself. There is either a cross dressing body building man in a bakini on there, or there is a body building woman on there that looks like a guy. Either way, on a shock factor scale, I would give that a six.

Personally, I don't understand why a woman would want to look like that, but hey, to each her own.

more later......

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Winds of Change...

It seems that I will soon not have a partner for the magazine. This is not a huge surprise actually, so I am not in shock or anything. But that does mean I will have to do the whole thing by myself until God tells me who I should get to help. I am excited about this issue though. Mainly because the Lord gave me a good rating system for the novels we reveiw. Also, I think the author interviews turned out really well. Overall, I am excited about the future of the magazine.

In other news, I have plans to work on my second novel today. I am hoping to finish it before this year is out. I got an offer from a friend to take me to the town that inspired the story. I may actually do it, but that is definately something that I need to pray about first. I would be going with her and her husband who has family there, and I would be going in the day (way before dark) but I still need to make sure it is something that God is all for the research trip.

Also, I am going to be teaching drama this summer. I am excited about that, especially because it is something that I will get paid for doing. :) It should be a lot of fun. I am doing it with a friend from church. In addition to that, I am going to probably do a couple of workshops this summer. I want to do some on the importance of purity until marriage. I have a lot to say about that issue. :)

I actually picked up my guitar today and even plucked it a little. :) That was fun.

Well I better get to work now.

Sunday, May 08, 2005

Cleansing the Roz...

Has anyone ever done a cleanse? I tried a pill one, but I did not like it much. Today I started one where you have a 1/4 cup of Aloe Vera juice( the stuff taste like water), and eat mellons (in my case watermellon) for a day. I started it tonight, so I will be done tomorrow night. Sometimes you can loose up to five or ten pounds with a cleanse. I am hoping for results like that. :) Actually, it is supposed to get all the impurities out of your body. :) I think it might be working. :)

In other news, I am half-way through with my first review, and I only have five more to go. And by the way, if there are any Christian fiction writers out there viewing this blog, you should really visit and look at the writer's guidelines. You may get your stories published, if you submit something that we can use. :)

I am reading Ezekiel right now. I wanted to read Isaiah (I love Isaiah) but the Lord is leading me toward Ezekiel, so I plan on reading the whole book. As I read it this morning the thing that really stood out with me is the passage about the watchman. God told Ezekiel that made him a watchman, and if he did not warn the people that God said warn, their blood would be on his hands. There is a sobering thought, huh? I have more to say about this, but not right now. I want to read and meditate on it a bit more first.

Has anyone played the games on MSN? I think they have the best games. I like them better than AOL or Yahoo games. :)

Anyway, I need to go now. Happy Sunday to all, and to all a good night!

Yeah, I know...


Thursday, May 05, 2005

Two in One Day!

Wow! I know you are wondering why in the world I am posting two times in one day. :) Well I am about to go do the political thing shortly, and after reading all morning I am half-way done with the last book. So I said to myself, "Hey, Roz! Why don't you do some bloggin'" So anyway, here I am. All dolled up, and ready to go call people for a couple of hours. :) Well, okay, since I don't really have anything in particular to talk about, I guess I will close this entry out.

Yeah, I know....

Pray for me. ;)

Down to the Last Book

I am finally down to the last book that I have to read before the next issue. Then I the book reviews will start. That will be fun.

In other news, for the past month I have been helping with a political campaign. It has been neat. I have not been doing anything except calling and encouraging people to vote, but it is still an interesting experience.

Tonight after I help with the phones, I am going to the cafe to hang out with a friend. I am really excited about this, because this is devinely appointed connection that the Lord wants me to have. lol I am praying that the new friendship is everything that He wants it to be. :)

In other news, my diet is going okay. I have lost a total of four pounds since I started. I wish I had one of those little counters that Jen has, those are cute. But since I don't have one you will have to get the picture without the visual aid. :)

I probably would have lost more, had I been completely faithful, but I have decided to really work on bringing up my will power. :) So I will get there. After all, I can do all things through Christ.

Well that is all for now.

Thursday, April 28, 2005

I am not stupid!

I took a stupid test today. It said I am fairly smart, but 27% are smarter.


Funny that they used a snail to represent that though. Hmmm... Anway, hello out there. I took the newsletter to the printer today, so another issue of the CNC (My church) Encourager will go out on Sunday. Now, I am going to clean a little and get back to my reading. I still have two more books to finish, and I need to finish them soon. I am reviewing six books for the next issue of Parables. I was expecting seven, but one of them never came. Which reminds me, I was suposed to send out interview questions like Monday. Ooops :( I better get that done. I may be posting my lastest short story here soon. Not sure, but I need to get these questions out right now before I forget. Yeah, I know. Later.

Monday, April 25, 2005


I am feeling a little weird this morning. My little sister went to school today, and I am used to having her here with me. But I pray that she has a good day. :)

In other news, I can listen to whatever I want to listen to (including Toby Mac) which is kind of cool. :) Today, I have quite a few things on my agenda. For one I need to finish a short story, and critique a children's book for my writer's group. But first I must tidy up a bit. :)

That is all for now. Stay tuned for late breaking developements.


Thursday, April 21, 2005

Pro Blogging...

I am not new to blogging. In fact I have had a blog for a year now (give or take a little), when my bestfriend showed me her new blog here, I decided I want one here too. It is kind of like having a winter and a summer home. Perfectly acceptable. :) And if not, then don't read it. lol j/k. Anyway, I am excited about the layout of this blog, and I hope to have fun with it.
