Tuesday, December 12, 2006


Below is a personality test that I just took. I think I am more than 50% romantic though. :) And the female cliche thing is way off, I mean I can be kind of prissy in some aspects, but I am not like the lady they described in that link. :) Anyway, here are the results:

True to the Title: Ramblings of Roz

Hello out there. My name is Rosalind Morris, and I am a sporadic blogger. It has been five days since my last blog. :) lol :) Kind of a reverse AA thing. Anyway, I am blogging right now, just because I want to get the habit of doing this more often. I think journaling is an excellent use of one's time. Really I do. I just choose not to use my time in that way often. :) So what is going on in the life of Roz today. I am working to finish the December issue of The Encourager, or church newsletter. I am hoping to get an email out about it today. There are other things that I need to do, too. I need to choose a Christmas card and start sending them out. The Christmas poem I wrote this year is really good. I like it anyway. I am expanding my list this year to include all of my friends from the new communities that I have joined. I still want to send to my friends from Rozplace: The Creative Christian Forum and The Way City, too. Infact I want to try to at least get Rozplace hopping again. We shall see.

I made some serious progress on the play the other day. I hope to make some more today. I want to get this thing finished. I want to cast next month. Oh, I forgot that I wasn't going to talk about it until after things were more definate. (I have not even talked to my pastor yet.) I can't go into great detail, but I have ambitious plans for the play that I am working on now. More later on that.

Okay, I have decided to go ahead and start chronicling scholarship/grant money. I have been offered one scholarship for $2000, renewable for four years. It is a great start, but I have a long way to go. I applied for a $300o dollar one last night. I am going to apply to some more today too probably. There is a $50,000.00 Scholarship contest that I plan to enter, so I will likely get to that one today. That would pay for my first year easy, and give me plenty of spending money besides. I really don't want to work this time around. I just want to go to school. I want to make straight A's. Yeah, I know. Plenty of people work and make straight A's, but I am not any of those people. I am Roz, and I really don't need to work while I study. Not much anyway, I am thinking a little work study might be good. I am planning on getting a car, so I will need gas and such. It would be easier to come home and such if I had a car. If I am right, and OK is only three hours away from here, I may come home on the weekends. Probably not though. Not every weekend anyway.

Last night I was hungry, so I went to Wal-Mart, and I did not buy cookies. I will pause while you appluad me. However, I did buy some pancake mix, eggs, and syrup. Yeah, I know. But I ate some before I went to bed last night, and I ate some this afternoon. I am full now. And I am not craving anything. :) Yeah, I know. I will work on it. :)

Well, I am really running out of things to say here, so I might as well stop procrastin...um..I mean elaborating on the current goings on in Roz Land. :)

Hi ho, Hi ho, it's back to work I go!

Yeah, I know...Much love


Thursday, December 07, 2006

What a Difference a Day Makes!

Wow, I am so excited about my day that I don't know where to begin. First of all, it did not hurt all that much, and I am grateful for any pain that leads to this type of freedom. I guess I will begin with last night. A lot has happened since my last post. God has been really working on my heart problem. lol I have had a "tune up" if you will. :) He started last night, but He did most of His work today. Today we had an ongoing conversation about the bitterness situation. I honestly started out combatting His reminders, with a lot of "yeah, but..." statements, but He knows how to shut that up. I cannot tell you all of the things Father reminded me of, but overall, He explained to me that this problem has little to do with the other person, and a whole lot to do with me and Him. He told me that I had forgotten who I was. That I had forgotten that first and foremost, I am His.

Rom 8:16 The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God:

And because I am His, my life is no longer my own.

Gal 2:20 I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.

He reminded me to humble myself before Him, to do everything as unto Him, and to serve Him with my whole heart. And in the process of remembering who I am, somehow my heart has completely changed. Yeah, I know... that was quick, but you see this was all stuff that I used to know. I am not sure how I got so far away, but I am so glad to be back where He wants me.

I wrote a very nice response letter to the person that I was talking about earlier, and in the letter, I made the comment that we were here to serve. My mentor suggested that I remove the comment, less it be taken the wrong way. I did remove it, but honestly I meant exactly that. I have no agenda other than to do His will. Any authority that is in place, especially in a church, is there because He has allowed it. While I have no problem with voicing my opinions, I also have no agenda other than to serve and be a blessing. I am totally free.

Tonight at prayer, I spent some time apologizing to God, for my lapse in Rozness (lol, see You, Me, and Dupree), and telling Him that I am gratefull for bringing me back to a place of total peace. God began to talk to me about how He has not been able to bless me, like He has wanted to, because of the things that have been going on with me lately. (It has not been just the thing with the person. I did not tell anybody, but on Wednesday night, I barely wanted to even go to church. When I got there, and knew that my Pastor was going to preach something that I needed to hear, I was pretty annoyed to have to go to Children's Church. That is a whole other issue. For some reason, I have been fighting an aversion to working with children. We talked about that today too, among other things. The aversion is no more. :) )

Anyway, He said that now, He can move in my life in a greater way. I don't write about what He does for me enough, but all I can say is WOW! God has blessed me so much this year, and to think that He has wanted to bless me more! That is pretty exciting. God is so good, even when we are so bad. :) Well, I just wanted to update. As for the other person, I love her, and I can honestly say, my heart is pure toward her. It is amazing what Love can do. Speaking of which, I was in line at the grocery store after prayer, and this came up in my spirit:

I love the Lord with all my heart
I love the Lord wiht all my strength
I love the Lord with all my soul
The Power of Love has made me whole.

I am filled with the Power of Love.

It was one of those things that just snuck up on me. Oh, God asked me to do something on the 31st. I had planned on doing nothing, but I guess I will call tomorrow and ask them to put me down for something. I am not sure what. :)

That is all for now.

Yeah, I know...two days in a row. I am going for a record.

Peace, Love, and Blessings from Above,


Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Nip it in the Bud!!

Hi there :)

I don't know who out there is familiar with Dennis Swanberg, but he is a really funny guy. He is a Christian comedian that does several amusing impressions. One impression of his that I always enjoy is Barney from the Andy Griffith show. (Yes, this is going somewhere. I am explaining my title.) He has this joke where Barney is asked what to do about sin. His answer was to, "Nip it in the bud!" :) See there that explanation did not take terribly long now did it? Yeah, I know.

So that is what I am blogging about tonight. There is something that I need to nip in the bud. Well, maybe yank from the root; I think it may have grown a flower by now. My mentor told me this afternoon that I have a root of bitterness. Sounds like a terribly ugly thing, huh? Well it is indeed quite grotesque. In my defense, I pointed out that I have been making an effort to make sure to walk in love and be kind and patient with the person that we were referring too. (I know a little bit, a lot actually about the importance of staying away from strife and contention.) But she pointed out that while I have not come out and said anything ugly about the person, I have not really shouted their praises either.

My first thought was I don't really have to be buddies with a person to walk in love toward them. Honestly, I really don't like this person. There I said it. It is rare that I don't like people, actually. I like most people. Actually it is not just a random don't like that person kind of thing. I have very specific reasons, and they are justified. This person has been deceitful, and just not very nice. But justified or not, like the person or not, I ultimately answer to God. And He clearly has told me to love.

Bitterness, from the first thought, is a fiery dart of the enemy. Oh and He has plenty of reason to aim it at me. God is doing great things in my life, and I am stepping out on faith in several areas. I do not have time for strife. That is why I have been just praying for this person, and trying to walk in love toward them to the best of my ability. Unfortunately, by the conversation I had tonight with my mentor, I can tell that my ability is abundantly inadequate.

Tonight I had to do children's church. (Yes, this is related, I promise.) I was the one that was taking the kids out to the bathroom. Every time I went out, I could hear my pastor preaching. Guess what he was preaching on? Staying away from strife, how it is a trick of the enemy sent to keep us from the blessings, God has for us. YES LORD, I HEAR YOU.

So what do I do now? The only thing I can do is ask God to change my heart. Do I think I am wrong about the person, not at all. But this is not about her. This is about me. This is about Him. So I must allow Him to fix the thing that has gone wrong in me, so that I can be the Rosalind that He would have me be. I am not sure what all that entails, but somehow I think it might hurt. I will probably do an update on this when I find out. lol :) But anyway, that is what is on my mind tonight, and that is what I wanted to blog about.

Yeah I know...Pray for me

God bless and Goodnight,


Wednesday, November 22, 2006

I updated!

I finally updated my blog to the new Beta version. Has anybody else noticed that everything is going beta these days. New Beta this and new Beta that...Oh well, often change is a good thing. I probably will hardly miss the old version, I hope.

You know, God is my source, and with His help I am going to completely conquer this change allergy that I seem to have. Believe it or not, my aversion to change is barely a whisper when it comes to the big move next year. Honestly, the day I knew it was really official, I cried for about an hour or two. Since then it's been smooth sailing. I am in "get her done" mode right now. Ever once and a while the enemy will come at me with something like, "Do you really think you can just pick up and go to college like this at your age?" or "It just keeps getting more and more expensive, how are you going to be able to afford this? And what if you do all of this, and nothing comes of it?", yet I am ignoring all of his comments. My steps are ordered, and my God is a good shepherd.

The other project:

I have not written anything about this, but I am working on something that for the moment is even bigger than the move, but I can't really post about this until I talk to my pastor about it. Which I won't do until I am finished with the first step. Your interest is peaked, huh? Well hopefully I can say more fairly soon. To be honest though, this other project is 1000 times scarier than the big move. Good thing it was His idea.

Speaking of Daddy God, we are working on a new song right now. I love the words that I have to it so far. I started singing this one while cleaning the church one Tuesday.

Your Joy is my strength
Your strength is my joy
When you smile on me
Nothing can destroy,
my dreams.

A light to my path,
A lamp to my feet
When You lead the way,
Nothing can deplete,
my joy.

Aren't those a few happy thoughts for your day! :) For your life even. :) Anyway, I think that I this will be all for now.

Goodbye and Godbless. Yes, I know.

Love ya bunches,


Thursday, November 02, 2006

Poll Cheating 101

Okay, I usually post my observatory/political posts on Xanga, but I thought I would post this one here. I had to get my physical for school this morning, and while I was in the waiting room, CNN Headline News was on the tv. They did a story about how new voting machines could allow voters to vote more than once. Then they go on to tell the people exactly how to go about cheating in this way. Then after the "How to vote more than once" lesson, they explained how people could not get away with doing it becuase of poll watchers and the beeps that it would make. My thought is, how many people would even think to do that had you not explained the process so thuroughly. Sometimes I wonder about the wisdom of our American media. Rant over. :)

God bless and Goodnight!

Love ya and of course I know,


Friday, October 27, 2006

Saturday, October 14, 2006

This time next year...

Hey everyone,

This time next year, I will not be sitting where I am now. (This is what I was referring to in the bubbling post). I will more than likely be in my dorm room. Yes, that is my big news. I am going back to school. I am finishing my degree. Well, actually my original degree would have been a BS in Biology, but now my degree will be a BS in Drama/Television/Film Performance and (yes, I am going for a double major) Mass Media Communication with a Emphasis in Multi media production. Basically, I am going to get a degree in having fun. Lol I am not sure whether I will be doing dual degrees or just dual majors. I will have to find out which one is better.

So anyway, right now my goal is to prepare for leaving for Tulsa. I have a lot to do in the next ten months, and I am working on getting it all done. The first things I need to do is finish registering. I hit a snag today, in that I realized I don't remember my ACT scores. I also don't remember when I took the ACT test. That was over ten years ago, you understand. I mean that is quite a few sleeps ago. So anyway, I guess I will have to wait until Monday to do that.

That is okay though. God has really been showing me that He is indeed being my shepherd and leading me into this venture. He has even gotten me a job. Yeah, I know. But I am going to have to take a regular job for a little while because I need some money to prepare to leave home. I need a laptop and two printers (One for here, and one for there). I don't officially have the job yet, but the chances of me not getting it are pretty slim as I understand it. So that is cool I guess. The only thing is, I am going out of town next weekend. And if things work out, I am likely going to Tulsa on the 2-4 of November. Hopefully, the people at the new job will understand that. I mean it is college. That is pretty important. The trip this weekend is business too. It is a Xooma trip. I am excited about that too. If there is one thing I love, it is to travel. Lol

In other news, I did indeed to a really good video blog, but unfortunately I could not get the thing to upload correctly. I don't know what happened, but that really annoyed me. I will try to do better next week. lol Well, I am going to stop this post, so that I can try to do a little work before I turn in for the night.

Much Love to You,


Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Clean Christian Comedy

This is funny :) Just sharing.

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Bubbling and Trembling, at the same time...

Okay, so I still have things to say about the list I made in my last post, but I want to talk about right now, right now. Right now I am excited, kid at Christmas kind of excited becuase I know that a new adventure is coming. This is not one of those know in my spirit kind of things. This is a already moving toward it, preparing to get it done kind of thing. I want to explain my title; I am not scared. I mean I know God does not start something that He is not going to finish. So I know that everything will be okay. I also know that I cannot do this without complete and total reliance on Him. I have to stay humble, stay focused, stay in love, and stay humble. Did I say that before? lol By humble I mean I have to know that I am not to under any circumstances to look to anybody, including and especially myself, to get this done. Not that I can just sit around and twiddle my thumbs while success magically unfolds around me. Of course not! It all comes down to acknowleding Him, not depending on my natural understanding, and allowing Him to direct my path. AND giving Him glory when He does. :) Anyway, I can't really go into great detail about this new thing until I have made it official. I have to wait until November. So more later on that subject. I will say this. My pastor told us that we are about to wake up one morning to a whole new world. :) How right he is!

In other news, I am enjoying my video camera/webcam/digital camera. It is all kinds of fun. I need to download a bunch (or burnch, if you prefer) of pics from it. Also, I need to do a video blog. I did one already, but I don't want to put that one online. I know all you people who actually read my blog, are wondering what I look like. Actually it is not that hard to find out. My pics are on my Myspace profile. :)

Tomorrow is Sunday. So I better start preparing for it. God bless. Yeah, I know...


Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Things I want to blog about...

Okay, I am having a whole influx of subjects run through my mind that I want to "blog". So I am going to make a list. I need to actually sleep, so I can't possibly post anything that will give the subjects their just due right now. So I am going to list them here. Think of them as the Ramblings of Roz fall line up. lol

1. In Jesus' Name...
2. Altars, Songs, and other Moment Markers
3. Numbering vs. Trusting (This one is really a continuation of the last post.)
4. Saturation (This is either going to end up being a song or a poem (which may tie in with number 2. I can feel it coming...)

Yeah, I know...He knows too

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Probably Random

I entitled this entry probably random because I am not sure what I am going to talk about right now. There have been times when I have been itching to write something here, and yet I have not made it to the computer with enough free time to do so. I am always working, or studying, or writing (although, lately not enough). Which is not a bad thing, but it is nice to just take a moment to spill every once in a while. :) I want to just throw some things out there that I have been meditating on since the last time I wrote something here.

I think I will start with belief. :) Hmmm...Think I will throw in some Word here.

But without faith it is impossible to please Him: for he that cometh to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him. (Heb 11:6)

For a while now, I have been completely disastisfied with telling God how awesome He is. I have been worshiping God and at a loss for a more adequate thing to call Him. He is sooo much more than awesome. Anyway, as the word felt highly overused and totally inadequate to me, I started to seek God for other ways to express my wonder of His greatness. I tried majestic, magnificant, etc. etc. But for some reason no adjective worked for me. Most of the time, I just end up switching over to tongues. One evening at church we were worshiping God and a word came forth about believing God. Now, keep in mind, any time I get intimate with God, one of the most consistent cries of my heart is that I may worship Him wholly in spirit and in truth. That my life should praise Him, not just my hands and my mouth. That I should glorify Him in every aspect of my existence.

When that Word went forth, I whispered, "I believe you, Lord." In that instant, He said back to me: "That is the best way you can worship me." This really blessed me, and I totally understand what God was saying to me. God wants above all to be trusted, to be believed.

When we trust Him completely in an area He always shows up in a big way. Ever notice that? When we think on His Word until it becomes alive in our hearts it never fails to yeild bountifully.


I believe You! I believe You love me. I believe You've healed me. I believe You are my strength. I believe you teach my hands to war and my fingers to fight. ( I am doing that right now.) I believe You supply all my needs!

I love you, Lord. In Jesus's name...


Sunday, July 16, 2006

Technically, It is still Sunday

I am so glad that the Lord is merciful. Lord knows I need His mercy. :) Well, this can be counted as a weekend post. My weekend was okay. Nothing major occured, Sunday morning service was awesome. I played with a seven year old this evening, until I finally got her to go to sleep. Now I am just kind of hanging :) Anyway, I don't have much to say. A little too tired to be insightful right now. So this is the gist of my weekend post.

Yeah, I know, but you gotta love me.


Friday, July 14, 2006

A Quicky!

I am about to go walking with my mother this morning, so this will be a quicky. Well the big news is I heard from Charisma Kids on I Can; God will. Strang wants to co-publish the book with me through Creation House. This will still give me a major release, but I have to agree to buy a lot of books.
More Later

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Road Trip!

I set my alarm clock to five AM this morning. I am going to Dallas today. What fun! Last night my pastor really blessed me, the man was like a wisdom fountain last night. He told us several things that we need to believe God for in this season: Uncommon favor, loved ones (especially children, but I am believing for some of my friends, too.), God's provision outside of our regular income, and the reentering of opportunities, to name a few.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Maybe this week...

Okay, the operative word is "trying", and I am trying to post everyday. It is just not going very well. :) Anyway, I had a good morning, in that I could not stay awake last night to watch movies, so I went to bed before midnight. At four o'clock this morning, God woke me up to spend some time with Him. I cannot tell you the last time I went to bed early enough for Him to do that. :) It was pretty cool. But I did not have any good music, and that was bothering me a little. Still it was nice to get some early morning time with the Lord. :)

I probably went back to sleep around five. Then I had to get up at seven to get ready to open the office this morning. (S. Cherry had to go to court.)

Anyway, I am about to start a study on the Fruit of the Spirit. God has been showing me some things about them, and I need to study them out. In other news, I am working on an epic story poem, that I will soon post. Probably on my myspace blog, and on the myspace bulletin. Maybe I will post it on Faithwriters, too. :)

This post must seem somewhat boring, as I am only randomly stating facts. Sorry about that. I need to listen to the news today and see what is up with all this nuclear bomb stuff. I have been hearing rumors, but I have not had a chance to check it out for myself. When I do, I believe I will blog about that. Anyway, maybe I’ll come back with something profound later today.

Love you all,


Yeah, I know :)

Monday, June 26, 2006

Believe it or not...

Believe it or not, I did plan to write on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. However, I was in a house full of people. (Three children, including a three year old). And while I did start a few entries, I was never quite able to finish one to my liking. I think I will make up for it today by trying to post something on all my blogs. lol

Today I am in a good mood. Actually I have been in a good mood for a while now. This weekend was a little stressful, just in that I wanted some alone time, and did not get much of it. Still, I did have some fun, and kids can be good to have around sometimes. You can actually learn from them. I hope I learned some patience. lol :)

I am loosing weight, and I am so excited about it. I now have a size 14 dress in my wardrobe that is no where near tight, and actually has a little room in the waist. Well, some might say 14 is nothing to get excited about, but when you were 16 heading toward 18, 14 is pretty cool. And I am not through loosing weight. :) I plan to reach my goal of regaining my 28 inch waist line. I want to get down to a size 10, I think. That will be a nice size to remain, although I may even go for a 7/8. I don't want to be any smaller than that for sure. Well, I have some more to say, but you will have to check Xanga and myspace to read it. :) I may write my honey today too. lol


Thursday, June 22, 2006

A New Perspective on Change...

The Lord has introduced me to a new perspective on change. I have taken to walking with my mother in the morning. The first time we went around the track, we parked in a shaded area that was really close to the track. The next time we parked a little further from the track, and I made the comment (more an observation than a complaint really) you usually park closer. That particular morning (yesterday) I had a dificult time with itching. (Sometimes when I walk, I itch, but I want to get into that later.) So anyway, that morning when I got back into the car to wait for my mother, the super walker (proud daughter speaking), and there was such a great breeze outside that I did not need to turn on the air conditoiner. It was really nice. So anyway, today Mama parked where she usually does, and when I went to sit in the car (did not itch as much today, but like I said I want to talk about the itching thing separately) I noticed the place closer to the track had a little less shade and a little less breeze. There was still some shade so it was not unbearable by any means. But I notice the difference, and I commented on it. As soon as I did I heard the Lord say, "See what happens when you complain about your blessings." Immediately I remembered my comment about my mother usually parking closer to the track.

God was teaching me a valuable lesson. You see I am the kind of person who likes her cheese where it is, thank you very much. Change has often annoyed me, and I usually take big change like one might take liquid medicine (very reluctantly). But I made a decision today. I am going to a make a practice of looking for the blessing in the change.

I mean if I am going to move with God things are going to change. He believes in taking us from glory to glory, and with every new level of glory, there comes new changes, challenges, and responsibilities. In my determination to be all that God has called me to be, I am going to have to learn to move with Him. When I think about this, the Biblical reference that comes to my mind is Elijah. Elijah probably became pretty comfortable with the ravens bringing him his food everyday, and drinking fresh spring water. When the spring dried and the ravens stopped visiting him, he had an opportunity to complain to God. However, the Bible does not say anything about him complaining. It only says the Word of the Lord came to him. It only shows that God immediately had an instruction for his provision.

I cannot think of any account in the Word of God, or in my own life even, when God has not made provision for His people when He moves them, or even when they have to move. With the children of Isreal the fire and the cloud moved with them. When Joseph was thrown in jail, God moved the blessing on into the jailhouse with Him. Uh oh, I am going to get excited in a minute. I already am actually. lol Last night I was realeased into my call by a prophet of God. I will talk more about that later; this really is all about flowing with God, knowing that He is in control, and looking for the blessings in the changes in our lives. And that is about all I have to say for now.

Leave it to me to not post here in almost a year and then come back and post something this long, without a hello. Well, hello cyber space. I am working on posting on a blog everyday. (That is actually a goal of mine. And I am of the opinion that I can (in Christ) meet all my goals. I will talk about that later too. ) Yeah I know. I always think about readers that may stop by. Lord let this be a blessing to someone else even as it has been a blessing to me.

Much love,


Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Super Water!

Read the testimonies, email me and tell me what you think. :)

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

If your're Happy and you know it...

Your Social Dysfunction:

You're a happy person - you have a good amount of self-esteem, and are socially healthy. While this isn't a social dysfunction per se, you're definitely not normal. Consider yourself lucky: you walk that fine line between 'normal' and being outright narcissistic. You're rare - which is something else to be happy about.

href="http://img.quizgalaxy.com/social-dysfunction-bg.jpg">http://img.quizgalaxy.com/social-dysfunction-bg.jpg); background-repeat: no-repeat;'>
Take'>http://www.quizgalaxy.com/quiz.php?id=72">Take this quiz at QuizGalaxy.com

Please note that we aren't, nor do we claim to be, psychologists. This quiz is for fun and entertainment only. Try not to freak out about your results.