Well, I would have been here sooner...Really I would have. I tried to blog yesterday, but I could not get in. Today the only way I got in was by signing in through the post comment page. I could not sign in from the main page.
Anyway, I am here now. Time for some "Road to Oklahoma" information. I finally started my immunizations. I only have the Hep B left, and I hope to take my first one next week. Then I will have to wait a month. Which would put me at early May for my second shot. My third one will probably be in July, right before school starts, but I think I am going to send over my immunization records after the May shot, and just let them know that there is another on the way. That is if I take any Hep B. shots. For some reason, I can't get one here because I am over 18. If the other clinic says the same thing, I am going to ask the people at the school if a person over 18 is required to have them. It may be that because of my age I don't need one. Anyway, I will have to wait until Monday to find out.
I have started a new thing, that is working well for me so far. It is a "To Do" Book. I am using it to keep track with the ten million things that I need to be doing, and so far I am getting a lot more accomplished since I started using it. I also use the book to keep track of which scholarships I am applying for. I am doing quite a few with essays, so I need to sit down and plan a time to write them. I started one, and I like the way I started it, but now I need to go and research the topic. :) I did recieve my entire student financial packet. There were four loans on it, and it still did not cover my total expenses. There is another 1000 or so unaccounted for. So I a hoping to get some of these scholarships.
This may seem totally random to you, but I am very excited about school. :) Most of the time anyway. I did not realize how excited I was until I recieved my schedule. :) If this tells you anything, I immediately typed it up by day, so I could get a good look at what my days will be like. Then I got on google earth, and accessed my route to classes everyday. It seems that even though for part of the day I have a nice break, it would be better for me to plan to hangout somewhere near the buildings where my classes will be. I will explain when I post the schedule. I would post it here today, but I don't have it handy right now. I may later though. :) I also went on Myspace and checked out the grades on some of my professors. Most of mine had pretty decent grades. I did notice something about some of the PE teachers (I looked at all of them becuase I am not sure who I will have yet.). A student complained about recieving a failing grade because they had a breathing problem and could not pass the field test. This seems unfair to me. But I don't know all the details either. I looked at the Spring 07 (they have not posted fall yet) sylabus for the HPEP class and they said the field test is worth 40% of the grade. That is a large percentage. I think when I took it in high school, I passed though. I always walked it, which is allowed. And with my age, I get more time to walk it than some. :) lol :) Anyway, I will just take some benedryl and walk on. lol More later, gotta run.