Friday, June 29, 2007

God is so GOOD!!!!

I am so excited right now. I got a blessing today that I did not expect to get this soon. I say this soon, because I God told me to believe Him for a car for college, and I did. So I expected to get one, I just had no idea that it would be this soon. Right now I have a 2007 Mitshubishi Galant sitting out in the driveway! I am so grateful. I am grateful to God because He provided a way for me to get a car, and once again confirmed that He is with me on this return to school thing. lol I am also grateful to my mother for getting me the car. Praise God for that woman! I promise I have the most wonderful mother in the world! Anyway, I am all excited and praising God and reading about my new vehicle. I want to make sure that I know the maintanence schedule and all of that. :) Anyway, I just wanted to get this moment recorded. :)

In Other News, Praises A to Z will start back on Sunday the first. :) I really enjoyed the challenge. :) I am hoping some more people will try on their blogs too. We shall see.

In other news, my little sister has a B-day Tomorrow. Yay, Tina! We are waiting until Sunday for the party though. I am house sitting this weekend, and I won't be free to leave until tomorrow night. (The only reason why my car is sitting in the driveway! lol)

Anyway, that is all for now folks. I will give an update on my progress on the road to Oklahoma next time.

Much Love,


Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Zealous Advocate

You are a Zealous Advocate. My God, You are a Zealous Advocate. From the time Your most prized creation betrayed You, You started Your plan to redeem him. Chapter after chapter, book after book, verse after verse, throughout the old testament and into the new, You recorded Your plan as it unfolded. How great is Your love for me, that You would go through so much heartache, so many instances of waywardness among Your children, to send Your Son to die, so that I can truly live. If You are for me, it doesn't matter who is against me. I praise you for that from A to Z and beyond! You are worthy of all Praise! Thank you for being a Zealous Advocate!

Monday, June 25, 2007


You are my Yoke-Destroyer. My God, You are my Yoke-Destroyer! You don't just remove the yokes in my life you destroy them, permentally. Thank You for not leaving me in bondage. Thank You for a salvation that goes deeper than giving me a free ticket to heaven. I am excited about that too, but I am also excited for the abundant life that Jesus came to bring to me here. Thank You, Jesus! Thank You, Father! Glory to God for being a Yoke-Destroyer!

Sunday, June 24, 2007


You are my X-rayer. My God, You are my X-rayer. You look deeper than anyone could ever look. You examine my heart. I can't hide anything from You, Lord. I don't want to. You know things about me that I don't know about myself, and I am grateful when you show me what I have inside. I love You for being my Xrayer!

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Welcoming King

You are a Welcoming King. My God, You are a Welcoming King. You welcome home the backslider. You welcome the down and out, the up and out, and everyone in between into your Kingdom with one simple request. You only ask that we believe You. That we accept that You have already paid the price for the debt we could never afford. With open arms You welcome us. You beckon us. You knock on the doors of our hearts. You send Your servants out to invite us in. Thank You so much for being a Welcoming King.

Friday, June 22, 2007


You are my Victory! My God, You are My Victory! I want to learn to rest more in more in this truth. In Christ, I have Victory over sin. In Christ, I have Victory over despair! Thank You for providinig a way of triumph over every test that comes my way. You have been faithful to lead me to victory over and over again. I am so glad that I can trust You are my Banner of Victory!

Thursday, June 21, 2007


You are Unprecedented. My God, You are Unprecedented! God above all, the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End, before there was a heaven and an Earth there was You. You are bigger than I know, and I will spend eternity learning that fact over and over again. I am excited to call You my Daddy! I am grateful that You have my back. I am thankful that without You nothing was made. Thank you for being unprecedented.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

The Truth!

You are the Truth! My God, You are the Truth! In fact, you are the father of all that is true. You could not lie if you tried, because You opperate in such a high level of integrity that everything You say is the truth. Even though you saw the darkness, You called out the light. Light nor darkness had a choice. Light had to come. I love you for that. You can't always count on people, Father. Because people, even well-meaning and well-intentioned people, fall short. You never do. You have never fallen short on anything that You have promised me. You have proven Your word to be true! Thank you for the Truth!

Tuesday, June 19, 2007


You are my Solution. My God, You are my Solution. Doesn't matter what the problem is, how big or how small. I have learned that the answer is in You. I thank You for being the solution to every delima that I will ever face. Thank You for giving me Your Word as my Guide. Thank You for allowing me the privillage of bringing my problems, short comings, needs, wants, and anything I can think of to Your throne. It is truly a privilage to have a personal relationship with the One who wrote the manual for my life, the One who made me and knows me better than I ever could. Thank You for being my Solution.

Monday, June 18, 2007


You are my Restorer. My God, You are my Restorer! You restore years; You restore relationships. You restore life to all of us who call on Your name. You take great pleasure in snatching up what others have written off as hopeless, and making its greatness shine forth as a testament of who You are. Bless You, Lord. You Restore.

Sunday, June 17, 2007


You are my quieter. My God, You are my quieter. With a sweet whisper You quiet my soul. When life and circumstances would threaten to overcome me with worry, Your steadfast love prevents my spirit from stepping into fear. Thank You for quieting my soul. Hallelujah!

Saturday, June 16, 2007


You are my Protector. My God, You are my Protector. When I declare that You are my refuge and my fortress, I don't say it out of tradition, I say it because You have proven it true over and over in my life. Thank you for always being here to protect me. Thank you for giving your angels charge over me. Thank You for the peace I find in your presense. I love you for being my protector.

Friday, June 15, 2007


You are omnipotent. My God, You are omnipotent. Omni-potent. All powerful. You have power over all. Only You set one on a hill and bring down another. You are so powerful that you open doors that no man can shut. You shut doors that no man can open. Through Your might power you raised my Savior from the dead, and gave all dominion to Him. Your power has healed me! Your power has redeemed me; Your power keeps me. Glory to God. I rejoice that you are Omnipotent.

Thursday, June 14, 2007


You are my Nissi! My God, You are my Jehovah Nissi! You are my banner of victory. And I thank You because I know that as long as I continue to trust Your guidance, victory is always mine. Thank you for being my all! Thank you for being my banner! Thank you for being Jehovah Nissi!

Wednesday, June 13, 2007


You are my mender! My God, You are my Mender! Everytime something or someone breaks my heart, You are faithful to mend it. Thank you, God! You are an awesome Mender!

Tuesday, June 12, 2007


You are Limitless-Love! My God You are Limitless-Love! Patient, kind, everlasting, Love, that's You! Your Word Declares that You are Love! Your actions declare that You Are Love! Thank you for Your Limitless, love.

Monday, June 11, 2007


You are my King! My God, You are my King! You put Your kingdom in my Spirit, and wrote Your laws on my heart. You lead me with grace,
Guidance, justice, and peace. You are my King, but not the kind that
lives on a hill far away from his people. You allow me to come and lay at Your throne. I'm grateful that You are my King!

Sunday, June 10, 2007


You are a Justifier! My God, You are a Justifier! When you call me righteous
despite all my flaws, sins, and imperfections, no devil in Hell can argue- and win! You vouch for me simply because I accepted the priceless gift
Of Your love. I am covered under Your blood! Bless You for Justifying me!

Saturday, June 09, 2007


You are Inspiring! My God, You are Inspiring!You Inspire me with Your poetry,You Inspire me with Your prose! Your artwork is more beautiful Than any painter could capture! When You speak, my heart races! Your thoughts fuel my creativity. I crave Your inspiration!

Friday, June 08, 2007


You are Holy! My God, you are Holy! Holy as in set apart, above all! Holy as in like no other! Holy as in eternity is not long enough to discover every aspect of Your glory! I must call You holy!

Thursday, June 07, 2007


You are Gregarious! My God, You are gregarious! You delight in the Praises of Your children so much that you can't help but join us as we lift Your name. I love the way You meet me when I praise. You delight me with Your presence, as I cry holy,Worthy, glory to Your name! I'm glad Your gregarious!

Wednesday, June 06, 2007


FAITHFUL, FAITHFUL, FAITHFUL! My God You are Faithful! You are faithful when I praise You,And You are faithful when I don't! Your faithfulness has saved me more Times than I can count. I have never and will never have to worry aboutYou not being here. You are the one constant person that I can always turn to.Always! Hallelujah! You are Faithful.

Tuesday, June 05, 2007


You are Exceeding! My God, You are Exceeding! Anything I think You are, You prove that You are more! Over and over again, You go above and beyond my understanding of Your greatness, your mercy, Your love! Thank You for exceeding!

Monday, June 04, 2007


You're a Designer!My God, what a Designer!Your precision is perfect in everything YouMake. From the position of the planets toThe number of cells in my body, You have A purpose and a plan for everything and everyoneThat is manifested at Your word.I love You, my Designer!

Sunday, June 03, 2007


You are Covenant-Conscious!
My God, You are Covenant-Conscious!
You who do not have to be bound by anything
Choose to stick to Your Word and keep Your promises,
And though Your Word alone seals any deal,
You've signed Your Covenant with Blood.
I salute You for Your Covenant!

Saturday, June 02, 2007


You are boundless! My God, You are boundless! Worthy of honor, You stand outside of time,Knowing all, being everywhere,Filling all the heavens and the earthWith You. I honor You for being boundless.

Friday, June 01, 2007


You are AWESOME! My God, You are awesome! Worthy of awe, You amaze me With everything from Your kindness to Your infinite wisdom, To Your wonderful creation. I am in awe of You.