Friday, August 31, 2007

Long time...Much to say

I honestly say this, I have been blogging in my head for days. But today, I really wanted to write about what has been going on in my life. It's almost like there is so much happening that I don't know exactly where to start. This could be a long one folks. lol I guess I will take it by category.

I am in school now. As you can tell, I have not done Praises A to Z in a while. My schedule got a little hectic, and I could not go for the second round. However, I still encourage others to try it at least once through. It was truly an exercise that blessed me and enriched my relationship with my Father, Comforter, Savior, and Friend.

School has been awesome! Extremely challenging in several areas, but overall an amazing new adventure. Some of things that have been on my mind to write about have to do with those challenges.

The Health Thing:

Here at ORU we have a required PE course. In the lab of the course, we have done a couple of preliminary test and activities to asscess our current level of fitness. I must admit my results bothered me a little bit. However, I have been bothered about my body before I saw the results. I have been horrified by how much weight I gained over the course of the last 8 months. I went into 2007 wearing a sizes 14 and 16, most of my clothes now are size 18 and 20. I think I have gained around 35 to 40 lbs.

But it's not just the weight that has been bothering me. I have had more trouble breathing since I have been here, than I have had in a long time. There is a lot of walking, a lot of stairs, a lot of steep slopes on this beautiful campus, and they have been hard. I understand that a lot of it has to do with the fact that I am exercising more now, just by all the extra walking, than I have in a really long time, especially with the extra weight.

Anyway, last night I talked to mom on my way back from the Derrek Luke talk, and she commented on my breathing as we walked. I made the comment that I was actually getting used to the whole not being able to breath well thing. I started to tell her what the latest PE test told me, basically my resting heart rate is too high, meaning my heart is have to work extra hard. (I'll come back to this later.)

Anyway, I talked to her all the way back to my room. Then when we finally got off the phone, I started to do my homework. I had a lot of math to do. So around 12:30 or so, I decided to make fresh coffee. I drank like to two cups, really feeling bad about the amount of sugar cubes I needed in the coffee to make it drinkable. Keep in mind, that for the most part coffee does not keep me awake. Sometimes it makes me sleepy, so I was basically drinking it because I love the taste of coffee.

Anyway, the two cups of coffee combined with the fact that I had had a lot of asthsma medicine (which speeds the heart rate) due to my various treks across campus, had my heart racing last night. My heart was beating so hard I could feel it in my chest. So I had finished my homework, and it was around 4:30 in the morning.

Part of me wanted to just stay up and go to class in a few hours, but my heart was beating so fast that I thought it better to lay down and rest, even if it was only for a few hours. So I did my nightly routine, set my alarm clock (cell) for the latest possible time I could and layed down. Let me back up a bit. When I went in to get ready for bed, I started to talk to God. The first thing I did was pray that God would multiply the little bit of sleep that I would get so that I would feel like I had a full nights sleep. I also finally had the sense to humble myself before Him, and ask for help with the whole health thing.

I repented for not being submitted in this area. So then I climbed into bed, but I didn't go to sleep right away. But God was talking to me, telling me that my heart was okay and to just rest. So I fell asleep, and I woke up like three minutes before my alarm was susposed to go off. I got ready for class, make up and all, and got to class early. I did not get sleepy all day! I still have not needed a nap! God is so good! I will go to bed early tonight though. Just because I know I need rest.

Oh, I don't want to forget this part. Today at chapel when Mrs. Luke talked about glorifying God in our bodies, that was for me. It might have been for someone else too, but I know God really ministered to me through it. He reminded me of things that I know to do and have been not been doing.

There are a few other things that I have been wanted to blog about, but alas it is time for supper. I will write more later.

In Christ with Love,
