Friday, July 01, 2005

Long Time... Yeah I know

Okay, so I have not blogged in a while. I told you I was sporadic. :) Can't ruin my reputation, now can I? lol

Since it has been a while, there has been a lot going on with me. I am happy to report that I am once again making progress on Patches. I listened to what I have written so far on Adobe, and I must admit, the story is coming along quite nicely. There were of course a few typos that made me cringe, but I will go back and fix those after I am done.

In other news, I am more than a little excited about the next issue of Parables. One of the best Christian fiction authors....ever, will be on the cover and in the mag, interviewed my none other than yep you guessed it: Me! (Wow, don't I seem excited, you'd think I was a fan or something. lol) Anyway, the stories that we have so far are awesome too. We are in need of some more contemporary stories, if there are any Christian fiction writers out there.

Also I am excited about a new project I am starting with my journalism staff at church. We are going to write a story together (one installment each issue until the end of the year.) So far, everyone seems to be all for it. I think it will be loads of fun.

In other news I met this really awesome....yeah, right. I am just playing. lol

I want to talk about Houston now, but I think I will do it in a separate posting. There is a lot to say about it.

I also have some cool news about my first novel. So I think I will stop this and start a new post now.

...Yeah I know

1 comment:

Mercy's Maid said... were wrong for this!

"In other news I met this really awesome..."