Saturday, May 17, 2014

Long Time No Post...

Okay, there is sporadic and then there is SPORADIC! lol It has literally been years since I have written on this blog. For some reason during the past couple of weeks, I have gotten the itch to write here again. So much has happened in my life. The most major, life changing thing has been the death of my brother. He died almost a year ago, and it's still strange and hard to believe almost. It was sudden and unexpected. One of those, shocking deaths, where the family did not expect it. He was 33 years old, and he had a massive seizure. We never got an autopsy, so we don't know anything beyond that. Brandon's death kind of changed who I am a bit. I had always been the oldest of three. Now I am the older of two. lol I mean Bran is still my brother, but he lives in Heaven now. Here on earth it's just Tina and I. :) I miss him. I liked having a brother. I know he is having a good time in Heaven though, so it's great to know I will see him again at some point. In other news, my first novel The Wages or the Gift is coming out this year. I am very excited about it. It has been a fun process. I am currently working on the edits that my editor sent me a few months ago. Yes a few months ago. It took me while to get started on them because of my company. Oh did not mention that I started a theatre company? That is something else that has happened since the last time I wrote here. I started with two friends who graduated with me. We call the company Certain Curtain Theatre. I love it. We are still getting started and we have a long way to go, but running a theatre company has been a lot of fun. Anyway, that is why I am behind on my edits, but I am working on them. :) For many years, I did not date anyone. Then last year I went out on three dates. Two of them were with the same guy. It was a racy year for me relationship wise. lol This year I have not had any dates, but I did get invited to coffee tomorrow, so I guess that will be my first date of 2014. The guy is cute and fun to talk to, so we shall see. :) More later. :) Yeah, I know. But I will try to make it less than a year before I write again.

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