Saturday, September 22, 2007

Lastest Stuff

Today I spent my morning with the DTF (Drama/Television/Film Majors). We had a work day. I painted in the morning, and swept in the afternoon. It was fun, but unfortunately I did not get any pics or video. (Please forgive me.) After that, I had a smoothie with a friend, and then came to my room. I got in my bed to read some theater stuff, but then I said hi to a friend online, got sleepy, and took a nap. I woke up with an upset stomach, so I did not want any dinner. So now I am trying to think of something that will help my stomach. It is not happy.

In other news:

I was not sure if I was going to be able to be on the tech, but it turns out I will. I am pretty excited about getting to help with the production. Sarting on next Saturday and until October 7, I think, I will be spending a large portion of time in the Howard Auditorium. I am hoping to capture a few minutes of the fun when possible. :)

Speaking of which:

If you want to catch up on stuff here at ORU, check out my YouTube page. I put a link on this post. Anyway, pretty soon, I am going to do a tour of the campus with some of my friends. There are already some videos on the page that look kind of like I was doing a tour, but that was just me having. The actual tour will be much better. More details coming soon.

Well, that is all for now. I am going to go to store and get something for my stomach, and then I am going to get some work done.

Much Love,
