Thursday, May 22, 2008


xtraordinary! It is becoming on of my favorite songs. "The Earth will sing Your praise, the glory of Your name, the greatness of Your ways, You are Extraordinary!" Father there is nothing ordinary about you. The way you do things in my life is hardly ever how I thought you would. I love to watch You work in my life and the lives of those around me. Many are the plans in a man's heart, but You direct their steps. Direct me always Lord, even when I don't understand what you are doing. Thank you for being extraordinary. :)

Monday, May 19, 2008


edicated is the word I woke up to last week, after I finally posted Caller. Thank you Father for being so dedicated to loving me. Thank you for taking the trouble, after man fell to prepare the way back to You. Thank You Jesus, for being dedicated to walking around on Earth in human flesh and being a living example of what is like to live a life completely and totally submitted to the will of the Father. Thank You for your sacrafice on the cross. Thank You for saving me, and thank You so much for remaining dedicated and never leaving me. Thank You for being my example of dedicated, and Father please help me to return it. Help me to be more dedicated to You. You are my everything. Thank You! :)

Wednesday, May 14, 2008


Thank you Lord for being my caller. I am not just talking about creating me with a purpose, and placing a calling on my life. That is awesome, and I thank you for that too. But You my God call me to You. Whenever I start to drift away, or make anything more prevelant than my relationship with you, You are quick to say, "Yoo hoo! Roz, keep me first!" "Hey, Roz, I come back to me....remember your first love..." You never let me stray, Lord. Thank you so much for being so faithful to remind me that You are the one thing that is needful, that more than anything if I want to survive this life You have ordained for me, I have to continue to look to You as my source of everything. I love you for it. I am so grateful that you are a faithful caller. Thank you for calling me, and being patient with me. Thank you with all my heart!

Friday, May 09, 2008


eloved, Father, is the word that was on my heart for you when I woke up (the third time) this morning. I looked for another word because while I know you call your children, your beloved, I was not quite so sure I could honestly call you my beloved. Not because I don't love you. Well, at least I try to love you. You say over and over in Your word that if we Love you, we keep your commandments. It is my hearts desire to keep them all the time, but You know I don't. You know better than anybody how much I screw up. WOW, I just got it. It is okay that I call You my beloved without getting it all right. Because in my heart I am working toward that end. To love you with my whole life. To obey You the instant I hear You. And even though I don't have it all together, you still love me. You still call me daughter. I love You for that, Father. I love you for sending Jesus to shed His blood that covers me and offers me the chance to come to You. Thank You, even for this lesson that I have learned today. I am glad I did not change the word. My God, My King, My Beloved.

Thursday, May 08, 2008


Okay, so I am doing another round of Praises A to Z. This time the rules are different, as long as we use a word for each letter of the alphabet, the structure of the "praise" can be anything we want it to be. :)

mazing Lord,
Just want to take a little time to talk to You about how amazing You are in my life. When I got out of my car the other day it struck me that there are so many things in my life, that are there because You made them happen. When I deserve nothing but to be ignored or shunned, you bless me. You bless me with health when I eat crazily and sleep way to little. You bless me with good grades, even when I don't do as well as I want to on some test. You amaze me with the way You continue to be a kind, generous, loving, savior, no matter how I behave. You make me want to do better. You make me want to draw closer to You, to learn how to be more like You. You make my jaw drop when I think about the amazing effects of You being the Lord over my life. Thank you, Father, for being so incredibly amazing. I love you!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Hello World

Hi Everyone,

Ever had one of those moments, after a long period of being too busy and too tired to care, when you absolutely must doll up. Tonight, I came to that place. Did not matter that I had no where to go or nothing to do, or that no one would see me. I had to be cute, tonight. I had to do my hair, and put on some makeup. (I am not sure when I got so comfortable not wearing any.) I even put on eye liner. The good thing about doing this is it is fun. The bad thing is that it can snowball really quickly. WHen you do this, you want something cute to wear to match your dolled up face. Then you do that, and you do want to go somewhere. lol Anyway, I am not going that far. I am just going to throw on a top, and go. And soon too. Time to meet up with Chris. Well, in a few minutes. So this will be a short blog. You see I knew, I could not let this moment pass without sharing with you how I just randomly, after over a month of bumming it, decided to fix up a little bit. :) Anyway, more later.

Yeah, I know.

Love ya all. :)

Friday, March 28, 2008

Time to blog again

Well since we are well into the year of 2008, and I myself have recently started a new "year" of my life, I think it is about time that I blogged. Today I am going into the studio to record a 60 second analog commercial. Fun stuff, I hope. I am hoping everything goes well. We allowed ourselves four hours to get it done, so hopefully we can get it done in that time. :) I am going in with my side kick, Sara the
SARA: I am laughing internally becuase you see, it is not I who is the sidekick...
No, it is not I. I am the leader. I am a mountian. I am the rain that falls on a ...(roz is laughing at my statments. I am writing a thing of beauty here and Roz is having a freaking feild day, what the crap? I am almost never open and poetic and artsy and dramatic and amazing and wait a second. I am always amazing, even when I don't think i'm amazing, I'm amazing, because I'm amazing in the sense of not realizing how amazing I truly am. Wow...I am wonderful. I am God's gift to earth...wait a second. Who am I kidding? ok...that was a sad reality check. Moving on.) soft spring evening.
Roz: as I was sidekick, Sara "I am more amazing than the world" H. Sara does not like her last name mentioned over the net. Anyway, we are going in there to knock out a couple more A's. I think our tall friend (Chris: AKA SoundMan) might be coming to give us support. It should be fun.

Anyway, in other news, did I mention I have a lot of stuff to do. Between homework, a social life, shows, and work, I have been a pretty busy girl. I am sure it will all be worth it when at the end of the semester, I have all those A's to show for it. I speak by faith. :)

My fingers are quite emo right now. Yes, you did just witness an un-announced subject change. I painted them with black fingernail polish, which was very shiny and nice, but unfortunately also very cheap. So they chiped. But they chipped in nice pretty patterns so I let them stay chipped, because I thought they looked kinda cool. My small friend (Sara) tells me this is quite emo. I will paint them again when I get a chance, but for time being I guess I am an emo kid. Oooops I forgot to apply my black eyeliner today.... :)

I am in Humanities class right now, and class is about to start so I guess I will stop this blog.

I will leave my vast and growing reading audience (tongue in cheek---speaking of which, I am have never had full, heck even partial, understanding of this phrase, but anywho I used it, hopefully in a nearly correct way) with this deep thought...

Even if you pretend not to notice an elephant in your room, the stinch of its waste will be a constant reminder to everyone around.

How about that, Jack Handy?

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Well, okay, I guess I will try this again. :( Don't you hate it when you start typing a blog and type all this interesting stuff, and then it gets erased. That does not make me happy. Therefore, all I want to write about now is how that makes me angry, and what you are stuck reading is a rant about how hard it is post a simple blog!!!!! All I
did you know that you can ALWAYS see your eyelashes?
Um, I don't know what that has to do with anything.
Well, I mean you can always see everyone's eyelashes right?
no I mean, you can see your own, like IN you eye...ball...right???
OIC :) Well, folks that enlightening bit of information came from my friend Sara, who had a profound part in loosing my first and interesting post. Thank you
you can NOT even pin this on me!
Well, I am just saying you played a part. lol But that is okay, I need to get a mouse. The mouse pad thingy on my computer is the main culprit.

Anyway, earlier I learned something in New Testament Survey. The definition of poking fun.

Poke Fun: To ridicule,
HA Roz can"t remember! lol
Oh that is just wonderful. Thanks again Sara. :)

Surprise :) I am writing on my blog!!!!!

I wrote something, but it got erased. The end. :(