Tuesday, December 12, 2006


Below is a personality test that I just took. I think I am more than 50% romantic though. :) And the female cliche thing is way off, I mean I can be kind of prissy in some aspects, but I am not like the lady they described in that link. :) Anyway, here are the results:

True to the Title: Ramblings of Roz

Hello out there. My name is Rosalind Morris, and I am a sporadic blogger. It has been five days since my last blog. :) lol :) Kind of a reverse AA thing. Anyway, I am blogging right now, just because I want to get the habit of doing this more often. I think journaling is an excellent use of one's time. Really I do. I just choose not to use my time in that way often. :) So what is going on in the life of Roz today. I am working to finish the December issue of The Encourager, or church newsletter. I am hoping to get an email out about it today. There are other things that I need to do, too. I need to choose a Christmas card and start sending them out. The Christmas poem I wrote this year is really good. I like it anyway. I am expanding my list this year to include all of my friends from the new communities that I have joined. I still want to send to my friends from Rozplace: The Creative Christian Forum and The Way City, too. Infact I want to try to at least get Rozplace hopping again. We shall see.

I made some serious progress on the play the other day. I hope to make some more today. I want to get this thing finished. I want to cast next month. Oh, I forgot that I wasn't going to talk about it until after things were more definate. (I have not even talked to my pastor yet.) I can't go into great detail, but I have ambitious plans for the play that I am working on now. More later on that.

Okay, I have decided to go ahead and start chronicling scholarship/grant money. I have been offered one scholarship for $2000, renewable for four years. It is a great start, but I have a long way to go. I applied for a $300o dollar one last night. I am going to apply to some more today too probably. There is a $50,000.00 Scholarship contest that I plan to enter, so I will likely get to that one today. That would pay for my first year easy, and give me plenty of spending money besides. I really don't want to work this time around. I just want to go to school. I want to make straight A's. Yeah, I know. Plenty of people work and make straight A's, but I am not any of those people. I am Roz, and I really don't need to work while I study. Not much anyway, I am thinking a little work study might be good. I am planning on getting a car, so I will need gas and such. It would be easier to come home and such if I had a car. If I am right, and OK is only three hours away from here, I may come home on the weekends. Probably not though. Not every weekend anyway.

Last night I was hungry, so I went to Wal-Mart, and I did not buy cookies. I will pause while you appluad me. However, I did buy some pancake mix, eggs, and syrup. Yeah, I know. But I ate some before I went to bed last night, and I ate some this afternoon. I am full now. And I am not craving anything. :) Yeah, I know. I will work on it. :)

Well, I am really running out of things to say here, so I might as well stop procrastin...um..I mean elaborating on the current goings on in Roz Land. :)

Hi ho, Hi ho, it's back to work I go!

Yeah, I know...Much love


Thursday, December 07, 2006

What a Difference a Day Makes!

Wow, I am so excited about my day that I don't know where to begin. First of all, it did not hurt all that much, and I am grateful for any pain that leads to this type of freedom. I guess I will begin with last night. A lot has happened since my last post. God has been really working on my heart problem. lol I have had a "tune up" if you will. :) He started last night, but He did most of His work today. Today we had an ongoing conversation about the bitterness situation. I honestly started out combatting His reminders, with a lot of "yeah, but..." statements, but He knows how to shut that up. I cannot tell you all of the things Father reminded me of, but overall, He explained to me that this problem has little to do with the other person, and a whole lot to do with me and Him. He told me that I had forgotten who I was. That I had forgotten that first and foremost, I am His.

Rom 8:16 The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God:

And because I am His, my life is no longer my own.

Gal 2:20 I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.

He reminded me to humble myself before Him, to do everything as unto Him, and to serve Him with my whole heart. And in the process of remembering who I am, somehow my heart has completely changed. Yeah, I know... that was quick, but you see this was all stuff that I used to know. I am not sure how I got so far away, but I am so glad to be back where He wants me.

I wrote a very nice response letter to the person that I was talking about earlier, and in the letter, I made the comment that we were here to serve. My mentor suggested that I remove the comment, less it be taken the wrong way. I did remove it, but honestly I meant exactly that. I have no agenda other than to do His will. Any authority that is in place, especially in a church, is there because He has allowed it. While I have no problem with voicing my opinions, I also have no agenda other than to serve and be a blessing. I am totally free.

Tonight at prayer, I spent some time apologizing to God, for my lapse in Rozness (lol, see You, Me, and Dupree), and telling Him that I am gratefull for bringing me back to a place of total peace. God began to talk to me about how He has not been able to bless me, like He has wanted to, because of the things that have been going on with me lately. (It has not been just the thing with the person. I did not tell anybody, but on Wednesday night, I barely wanted to even go to church. When I got there, and knew that my Pastor was going to preach something that I needed to hear, I was pretty annoyed to have to go to Children's Church. That is a whole other issue. For some reason, I have been fighting an aversion to working with children. We talked about that today too, among other things. The aversion is no more. :) )

Anyway, He said that now, He can move in my life in a greater way. I don't write about what He does for me enough, but all I can say is WOW! God has blessed me so much this year, and to think that He has wanted to bless me more! That is pretty exciting. God is so good, even when we are so bad. :) Well, I just wanted to update. As for the other person, I love her, and I can honestly say, my heart is pure toward her. It is amazing what Love can do. Speaking of which, I was in line at the grocery store after prayer, and this came up in my spirit:

I love the Lord with all my heart
I love the Lord wiht all my strength
I love the Lord with all my soul
The Power of Love has made me whole.

I am filled with the Power of Love.

It was one of those things that just snuck up on me. Oh, God asked me to do something on the 31st. I had planned on doing nothing, but I guess I will call tomorrow and ask them to put me down for something. I am not sure what. :)

That is all for now.

Yeah, I know...two days in a row. I am going for a record.

Peace, Love, and Blessings from Above,


Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Nip it in the Bud!!

Hi there :)

I don't know who out there is familiar with Dennis Swanberg, but he is a really funny guy. He is a Christian comedian that does several amusing impressions. One impression of his that I always enjoy is Barney from the Andy Griffith show. (Yes, this is going somewhere. I am explaining my title.) He has this joke where Barney is asked what to do about sin. His answer was to, "Nip it in the bud!" :) See there that explanation did not take terribly long now did it? Yeah, I know.

So that is what I am blogging about tonight. There is something that I need to nip in the bud. Well, maybe yank from the root; I think it may have grown a flower by now. My mentor told me this afternoon that I have a root of bitterness. Sounds like a terribly ugly thing, huh? Well it is indeed quite grotesque. In my defense, I pointed out that I have been making an effort to make sure to walk in love and be kind and patient with the person that we were referring too. (I know a little bit, a lot actually about the importance of staying away from strife and contention.) But she pointed out that while I have not come out and said anything ugly about the person, I have not really shouted their praises either.

My first thought was I don't really have to be buddies with a person to walk in love toward them. Honestly, I really don't like this person. There I said it. It is rare that I don't like people, actually. I like most people. Actually it is not just a random don't like that person kind of thing. I have very specific reasons, and they are justified. This person has been deceitful, and just not very nice. But justified or not, like the person or not, I ultimately answer to God. And He clearly has told me to love.

Bitterness, from the first thought, is a fiery dart of the enemy. Oh and He has plenty of reason to aim it at me. God is doing great things in my life, and I am stepping out on faith in several areas. I do not have time for strife. That is why I have been just praying for this person, and trying to walk in love toward them to the best of my ability. Unfortunately, by the conversation I had tonight with my mentor, I can tell that my ability is abundantly inadequate.

Tonight I had to do children's church. (Yes, this is related, I promise.) I was the one that was taking the kids out to the bathroom. Every time I went out, I could hear my pastor preaching. Guess what he was preaching on? Staying away from strife, how it is a trick of the enemy sent to keep us from the blessings, God has for us. YES LORD, I HEAR YOU.

So what do I do now? The only thing I can do is ask God to change my heart. Do I think I am wrong about the person, not at all. But this is not about her. This is about me. This is about Him. So I must allow Him to fix the thing that has gone wrong in me, so that I can be the Rosalind that He would have me be. I am not sure what all that entails, but somehow I think it might hurt. I will probably do an update on this when I find out. lol :) But anyway, that is what is on my mind tonight, and that is what I wanted to blog about.

Yeah I know...Pray for me

God bless and Goodnight,
