Saturday, March 26, 2011

My New Apartment

My life is an infinite state of transition right now. It's interesting. Next Friday AKA April 1 AKA April Fools Day, I am moving into my new apartment. Eight days later is my deadline for passing the swim proficiency. Two two weeks after that my entire Senior Project is due. Then, I guess I will have graduated, well except for the final class that I have to take this summer: Tennis and the enormous bill that I have to pay off by the time the class starts (Which is in July.) If I am successful in all of these transitions, His strength rules, I will be applying to teach English as a second Language in South Korea. Talk about a big transition! lol And if that goes well, and I reach my goal of becoming fluent in Korean, I am going to apply to do my grad school training there, maybe. That last one is a new thought. I may not like it there as much as I think that I will. Who knows. I just pray that the Lord leads me in the direction that He wants me to go and all will be well. Life it keeps on going, until it stops I suppose. Gulp. Yeah, I know.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Happy Thursday (To Me)

I know. It's actually Monday morning. For me, however, it's Thursday, and tomorrow which is actually Tuesday - AKA The IDES OF MARCH, AKA my Birthday, is actually my "Friday". So what will do with post Birthday off days? Well, I am not really sure yet. You would think I would eat left over Birthday cake, but actually I am not getting Birthday cake until the actual Friday, which oddly enough is my Monday. :D) lol If you are completely confused, and I hope you aren't because I do aim to be clear, I work Friday through Tuesday and then I am off on Wednesday and Thursday. :D) Anyway, today has been really interesting as always with this job. It's rarely dull, except when it is... :D) I am already at my first break. It is interesting how fast the time goes by. Before I know it, I will be at lunch again. Then time will go really fast because I left my lunch at home and will have to run home and get it. That will take my whole break. Sigh. I tried to rememebr it, but alas I forgot. I know. Not the first time, probably will not be the last. It will be harder in a few weeks though because I will be living farther away from work. It's not that far away, but there will be a increase in possible traffic. Okay good news. I got two hours of overtime tonight. I am very excited. I will go home at 5:30 or so and come back at seven. This is my first official overtime. I am excited that mean two hours at time and half. Praise the Lord. Need more of that. lol

Friday, March 11, 2011

It's Friday!

Okay so for many people Friday means the weekend, but on my schedule Friday is kind of like my Monday. lol It is the beginning of a five-days in a row stint of working. Today has been a good day so far. I have my first opportunity for overtime tomorrow, but it will only be for about thirty minutes. Still that will be great. Also I graduated from training today. YAY!!!! In other non-work related news. Yesterday was a very good day. I had a nice relaxed morning at home, and then I drove back to Tulsa (without the aide of Five HOUR ENERGY!) and then I called my best friend and had a nice chat, afterwhich I went to a wonderful and impressive new play reading, and then I got some much needed advice, from a good friend. I have to say it was a good day. :D) Today, after work I am going to go home for a little bit and work on my room, before I figure out where to go to get online so I can get some work done. Well, that's all for now. Yeah, I know. More later...

Monday, March 07, 2011

It's Monday...

Top of the Monday to you! I hope everyone out there is having a wonderful, Monday morning. It has been going okay for me so far. I am at work. Working. Waiting to work some more. :D) (<-- I made that one up myself.) Today my roommate gave me chinese food. Which was really nice of her. I love chinese food, so I am looking forward to lunch. In the past, when I got an hour for lunch I would leave, but today, I only get thirty minutes, so I will be staying here for lunch from now on. No venturing off to Nord's for me. My first "off day" during the week is Wednesday, and I am taking a trip home to Texarkana. I am only going for a day so I get a normal driver's license again. Right now, due to an unfortuante melting incident, my driver liscene is round and in two pieces. After next week, it will be nice and new though. Good until I am 38 years old. :D) lol Speaking of getting older, my birthday is in eight days. For the first time in a long time, I am already used to my new age. So interestingly enough, it won't be hard for me to remember that I am 33. Usually it takes a few months for me to ease my way into the next higher number. Don't know what this change signifies, but it is interesting. Anyway, I am going to stop rambling for now. I am hoping that some issue will spark the desire to give my oppinion so I can type a new "What ROZ THINKS ABOUT THAT" blog.

Thursday, March 03, 2011

Too Early to be Sleepy...

It's not even nine am yet, and I am already sleepy. Tonight is the opening night for Lucky Stiff. It's a wonderful musical, so everyone in Tulsa, needs to come and see it. Our run is from Thursday through Saturday at 7:30 PM and Sunday at 2:00 PM this week at Howard Auditorium on the Oral Roberts University campus. I am a excited about it. :) That's all for now, but I will probably blog again before the day is over because it keeps my mind engaged so I don't fall asleep at work. :D)

Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Second Blog this year!

This is my second blog of two thousand 11 :D) YAY for me. I pretty much have nothing to say right now either. So I am just going to type for a bit. Today has been pretty good. I am grateful to God for that. I have taken a lot of calls, and I am pretty sure they have been successful. YAY! Tonight is our final dress rehearsal for Lucky Stiff. The show looks amazing, and I have learned a lot through the process. I look forward to doing more directing. It's fun. In other news: I think I like my senior play. I am waiting to hear back from my teacher about it, but hopefully I can start writing it soon. I am writing this like a journal entry, so if it shows up on my Facebook feed, realize it's just me rambling. In my downtime of the last hour of or so I have taken it upon myself to make another list of plays to purchase and read. Want to know about the 6 plays on my current list. Well, if you are actually still reading this you just might. :D) I found all of these plays at a site that I do indeed frequent.

Back of the Throat by Yussef El Guindi

This one is about a man accused of being a terrorist. Sounds like it would be a good one to direct. Yeah, I actually am thinking like a director when reading plays lately. I like powerful stories. Granted there is always the chance it will be a disappointment, but it certainly sounds promising.

None of the Above by Jenny Lyn Bader
This one is about a girl who was expecting a drug dealer, when a SAT tutor comes to her door. I heard a monologue from this one once, and I am curious about the rest of the story.

The Pain and the Itch by Bruce Norris

This one is about a privilaged yet dysfunctional family. The description made me curious. It could go either way.

The Red Velvet Cake War

by Jessie Jones and two others

The description called it a Southern-Fried comedy. Can't get any better than that. I love plays with food. I love food, oh sorry, I am getting off track. On with the list.

Absalom by Zoe Kazan

I looked into this one hoping that it would have something to do with story of David, but it turns out it's the story of a family reunion. Sounds fun.

Ruined by Lynn Nottage

This is a pulitzer winner, and it's a rough story. I have had it on my list for a while. I was just waiting for dramatist to get it so I would not have to pay $11.00 for it. I am $7.50 girl. :D)

Anyway that is all of my list so far. It will probably be a couple of months before I can actually purchase these, but I will get around to reading them. If my blogging notions continue, I might even write about what I thought of them. Anyway, that's all for now. :D)

Love and Sunshine,
