Wednesday, November 22, 2006

I updated!

I finally updated my blog to the new Beta version. Has anybody else noticed that everything is going beta these days. New Beta this and new Beta that...Oh well, often change is a good thing. I probably will hardly miss the old version, I hope.

You know, God is my source, and with His help I am going to completely conquer this change allergy that I seem to have. Believe it or not, my aversion to change is barely a whisper when it comes to the big move next year. Honestly, the day I knew it was really official, I cried for about an hour or two. Since then it's been smooth sailing. I am in "get her done" mode right now. Ever once and a while the enemy will come at me with something like, "Do you really think you can just pick up and go to college like this at your age?" or "It just keeps getting more and more expensive, how are you going to be able to afford this? And what if you do all of this, and nothing comes of it?", yet I am ignoring all of his comments. My steps are ordered, and my God is a good shepherd.

The other project:

I have not written anything about this, but I am working on something that for the moment is even bigger than the move, but I can't really post about this until I talk to my pastor about it. Which I won't do until I am finished with the first step. Your interest is peaked, huh? Well hopefully I can say more fairly soon. To be honest though, this other project is 1000 times scarier than the big move. Good thing it was His idea.

Speaking of Daddy God, we are working on a new song right now. I love the words that I have to it so far. I started singing this one while cleaning the church one Tuesday.

Your Joy is my strength
Your strength is my joy
When you smile on me
Nothing can destroy,
my dreams.

A light to my path,
A lamp to my feet
When You lead the way,
Nothing can deplete,
my joy.

Aren't those a few happy thoughts for your day! :) For your life even. :) Anyway, I think that I this will be all for now.

Goodbye and Godbless. Yes, I know.

Love ya bunches,


Thursday, November 02, 2006

Poll Cheating 101

Okay, I usually post my observatory/political posts on Xanga, but I thought I would post this one here. I had to get my physical for school this morning, and while I was in the waiting room, CNN Headline News was on the tv. They did a story about how new voting machines could allow voters to vote more than once. Then they go on to tell the people exactly how to go about cheating in this way. Then after the "How to vote more than once" lesson, they explained how people could not get away with doing it becuase of poll watchers and the beeps that it would make. My thought is, how many people would even think to do that had you not explained the process so thuroughly. Sometimes I wonder about the wisdom of our American media. Rant over. :)

God bless and Goodnight!

Love ya and of course I know,
