Saturday, October 07, 2006

Bubbling and Trembling, at the same time...

Okay, so I still have things to say about the list I made in my last post, but I want to talk about right now, right now. Right now I am excited, kid at Christmas kind of excited becuase I know that a new adventure is coming. This is not one of those know in my spirit kind of things. This is a already moving toward it, preparing to get it done kind of thing. I want to explain my title; I am not scared. I mean I know God does not start something that He is not going to finish. So I know that everything will be okay. I also know that I cannot do this without complete and total reliance on Him. I have to stay humble, stay focused, stay in love, and stay humble. Did I say that before? lol By humble I mean I have to know that I am not to under any circumstances to look to anybody, including and especially myself, to get this done. Not that I can just sit around and twiddle my thumbs while success magically unfolds around me. Of course not! It all comes down to acknowleding Him, not depending on my natural understanding, and allowing Him to direct my path. AND giving Him glory when He does. :) Anyway, I can't really go into great detail about this new thing until I have made it official. I have to wait until November. So more later on that subject. I will say this. My pastor told us that we are about to wake up one morning to a whole new world. :) How right he is!

In other news, I am enjoying my video camera/webcam/digital camera. It is all kinds of fun. I need to download a bunch (or burnch, if you prefer) of pics from it. Also, I need to do a video blog. I did one already, but I don't want to put that one online. I know all you people who actually read my blog, are wondering what I look like. Actually it is not that hard to find out. My pics are on my Myspace profile. :)

Tomorrow is Sunday. So I better start preparing for it. God bless. Yeah, I know...


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