Thursday, November 02, 2006

Poll Cheating 101

Okay, I usually post my observatory/political posts on Xanga, but I thought I would post this one here. I had to get my physical for school this morning, and while I was in the waiting room, CNN Headline News was on the tv. They did a story about how new voting machines could allow voters to vote more than once. Then they go on to tell the people exactly how to go about cheating in this way. Then after the "How to vote more than once" lesson, they explained how people could not get away with doing it becuase of poll watchers and the beeps that it would make. My thought is, how many people would even think to do that had you not explained the process so thuroughly. Sometimes I wonder about the wisdom of our American media. Rant over. :)

God bless and Goodnight!

Love ya and of course I know,


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah, it's kind of like those news shows on how easy it is to build bombs. Who thought that would be a good idea?!