Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Exciting Happenings :D)

Today, I found out that I will be going into trainging soon for a new job position that I am really excited about. Actually, overall today has been really nice. I woke up at 6:35 AM, which is early for me, but I was able to sleep last night. Thank the Lord. I watched both episodes of The Bachelorette. Gonna blog about that over at . Anyway, on with highlights of my good day. I ate breakfast and drank a large amount of cold coffee, yummy stuff. So far I have a had a good day at work too. I am not in any pain. I have many things to be thankful about. Also I realized something else about myself. I think it's important to pay attention to what touches your heart. I cried this morning watching the Bachelorette. No, this is not about a relationship thing at all. On the group date they went to an orphanage in Thailand. (A place that I really want to visit one day. Maybe I will while I am in S. Korea.) But anyway, when they started talking about the kids at the orphanage, it touched my heart. This is not the first time that has happened. I wonder what it means. I am praying about it...

Well, that's all for now.

Hope everyone else is having a lovely day, and for those who aren't I hope it gets better. FIGHTING! :D)

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