Thursday, April 28, 2005

I am not stupid!

I took a stupid test today. It said I am fairly smart, but 27% are smarter.


Funny that they used a snail to represent that though. Hmmm... Anway, hello out there. I took the newsletter to the printer today, so another issue of the CNC (My church) Encourager will go out on Sunday. Now, I am going to clean a little and get back to my reading. I still have two more books to finish, and I need to finish them soon. I am reviewing six books for the next issue of Parables. I was expecting seven, but one of them never came. Which reminds me, I was suposed to send out interview questions like Monday. Ooops :( I better get that done. I may be posting my lastest short story here soon. Not sure, but I need to get these questions out right now before I forget. Yeah, I know. Later.

1 comment:

Mercy's Maid said...

Oh yeah? Well, I'm 51% stupid! Nana nana boo boo...I'm more stupid than you!