Thursday, May 08, 2008


Okay, so I am doing another round of Praises A to Z. This time the rules are different, as long as we use a word for each letter of the alphabet, the structure of the "praise" can be anything we want it to be. :)

mazing Lord,
Just want to take a little time to talk to You about how amazing You are in my life. When I got out of my car the other day it struck me that there are so many things in my life, that are there because You made them happen. When I deserve nothing but to be ignored or shunned, you bless me. You bless me with health when I eat crazily and sleep way to little. You bless me with good grades, even when I don't do as well as I want to on some test. You amaze me with the way You continue to be a kind, generous, loving, savior, no matter how I behave. You make me want to do better. You make me want to draw closer to You, to learn how to be more like You. You make my jaw drop when I think about the amazing effects of You being the Lord over my life. Thank you, Father, for being so incredibly amazing. I love you!

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