Friday, October 02, 2009

For the Longest Time...

OKay,it has been forever since I have written a blog. I believe, if I were to look at the date, it has probably been well over a year. It feels like it could have been two years. I don't know. I just know there is so much that I have not said. I am not saying that I am going to say it all right now. I am not exactly sure what I am going to write about; I just decided that I wanted to write. What exactly is on my heart right now? Well, I will just start with what is happening around me. Maybe I will stay there. Maybe my fingers and my keyboard will take me to someplace altogether different.

I am sitting at the light board 35 minutes before the opening night performance of The Oedipus Cycle. There are actors on stage doing doing their mic checks. All of them seem to be in costume. That is good. :) There are also back stage crew members on stage, preparing for the top of the show. Watching the mic checks can be amusing as the actors come up with clever things to say for Owen, our sound guy.

A little girl who plays the child version of Ismene just went across the top of the stage. Now she is running up it. Looks like fun. It is very cool that we have an actual raked stage for this show. So that upstage is literally upstage and downstage is downstage. :) There is a lot of brilliance attached to this show. That is usually the case with our shows. I am not bragging; okay maybe I am, but I think our theatre program is impressive. The set design is cool. The lighting design is wonderful. *Yay Chris Crawford* The sound design is extraordinary. *Yay, Bittner!* The costumes are gorgeous. *Yay, Mrs. Holland and the costume staff. Yay Deanna for the armor*

Okay, now everyone is sitting in a line, and I think they are doing green room. I am not down there. I wonder if I should be. They are clapping now. I think he is telling them to thank the crews. I am betting back stage is fun for this show. There is a lot of noise in the lobby so I can't here what Chris is saying.

Okay, I was gone for a sec. I leaned forward a bit to hear better. It is about time for the show to start. So I guess I will just post this. Baby steps. :)

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