Sunday, May 08, 2005

Cleansing the Roz...

Has anyone ever done a cleanse? I tried a pill one, but I did not like it much. Today I started one where you have a 1/4 cup of Aloe Vera juice( the stuff taste like water), and eat mellons (in my case watermellon) for a day. I started it tonight, so I will be done tomorrow night. Sometimes you can loose up to five or ten pounds with a cleanse. I am hoping for results like that. :) Actually, it is supposed to get all the impurities out of your body. :) I think it might be working. :)

In other news, I am half-way through with my first review, and I only have five more to go. And by the way, if there are any Christian fiction writers out there viewing this blog, you should really visit and look at the writer's guidelines. You may get your stories published, if you submit something that we can use. :)

I am reading Ezekiel right now. I wanted to read Isaiah (I love Isaiah) but the Lord is leading me toward Ezekiel, so I plan on reading the whole book. As I read it this morning the thing that really stood out with me is the passage about the watchman. God told Ezekiel that made him a watchman, and if he did not warn the people that God said warn, their blood would be on his hands. There is a sobering thought, huh? I have more to say about this, but not right now. I want to read and meditate on it a bit more first.

Has anyone played the games on MSN? I think they have the best games. I like them better than AOL or Yahoo games. :)

Anyway, I need to go now. Happy Sunday to all, and to all a good night!

Yeah, I know...



Mercy's Maid said...

So basically you have to poop a lot? Is that a very ladylike thing to share with the world? ;)

Jimmy said...

Hey Roz,

I recently read David and Job with the help of Rick Swindolls "Great Lives" series. The David was a quick read...Job took me longer cause those three dudes were really giving it to Job. I am about to finish John and then I do not know what part of the Bible I am going to read next. Keep reading and keep the faith. I think your other blog is sweet.