Saturday, January 27, 2007


I know you are wondering how I ever came up with such a brilliant title as the day of the week that I am posting. lol Yeah, I know...Anyway, today has been pretty good. I have been able to actually get back to writing on the play, which really blesses me. I have some things to finish for the church newsletter though, and I have not worked on those at all. I have to pray alot about it, because all the inspiration I had for the stories seems to have gone elsewhere. I am sure the stories are there, I just need to spend some extra time with Daddy God to prime the pump, so to speak. There is a little girl standing beside me, asking me if I am almost finished every few minutes. Now she is asking me to erase the sentence eluding to her. lol Now she is threatening not to be my friend. She is a really cute kid though. I know she loves me. I love her too. :) So anyway, as you can tell, I am feeling the pressure not to be longwinded with this entry. I quess I will write more later.

God Bless and Goodnight!

Everyone have a great time at church tomorrow!

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